SUD. Other Messina Assyriological Studies

SUD. Other Messina Assyriological Studies is a new series of Assyriological monographs that has been active since 2018, initiated by Prof. Francesco Pomponio. The series aims to host volumes of Assyriological studies, both monographic and collective, covering various areas of analysis of Mesopotamian civilization: from economics to religion, from material culture to the collection of historical sources, from literature to the reconstruction of ancient Near Eastern cultural experiences.

When the decision was made to add a new series alongside NISABA, reserving the latter for the publication of unpublished tablets and the former for monographs of various content, it seemed a brilliant idea to assign this new series the name "SUD." Sud is, in fact, both the name of Nisaba's daughter, who, with the epithet Ninlil, was destined to become the wife of the head of the Sumerian pantheon, Enlil, and the name of the southern part of our country, which includes Sicily and Messina.

Direttore /Director: Giuseppe Ucciardello (Università degli Studi di Messina)

Direttore Scientifico / Editor: Annunziata Rositani (Università degli Studi di Messina)

Segretaria / Secretary: Andrea Rebecca Marrocchi Savoi (Sapienza – Università di Roma)

Comitato editoriale / Editorial Staff: Franco D’Agostino (Sapienza – Università di Roma), Palmiro Notizia (Alma Mater Studiorum - Università degli Studi di Bologna), Francesco Pomponio (Università degli Studi di Messina, retired), Annunziata Rositani, Lorenzo Verderame (Sapienza – Università di Roma).

Consiglio Scientifico / Editorial Board: Claus Ambos (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg), Anne Goddeeris (Ghent University), Ingo Schrakamp (Freie Universität Berlin), Piotr Steinkeller (Harvard University).

Editorial Policy: The volumes are subject to prior evaluation by the Scientific Committee, which provides guidance on whether the text is publishable and suggests any potential changes and/or corrections. 

To propose new publications, please write to

The volumes can also be published in Open Access.

The purchase of the volumes in paper format is possible directly through DICAM by sending an email to:

The electronic format of the volumes can be purchased via the Casalini Torrossa platform:


Published Volumes SUD. Other Messina Assyriological Studies:

1. F. Pomponio, The Umma Messenger Texts, Messina 2018 

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2. A. Rositani, Strumenti per la gestione dell’allevamento nella Mesopotamia paleo-babilonese: le etichette, Messina 2019                        

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3. E. Nitta, L’onomastica religiosa neo-assira: aspetti qualitativi e quantitativi, riflessi sociali e religiosi, Messina 2023

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4. P. Notizia - A. Rositani L. Verderame, Il nuovo Centro di Ricerca Interdisciplinare sull’Economa del Vicino Oriente antico (CRIEVOA). Atti della Giornata di studi (Messina, 29 novembre 2022), Messina 2023

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